Sunday, January 5, 2014


I know this looks like a pitiful meager smattering of cuttings and a waste of a trip to the median and all... but these cuttings came from the Calandrinia grandiflora I planted in front of the house on my block where I tend the tiny sidewalk garden. The residents put out their Xmas tree and it leaves little room for passersby. It must have been a stroller that went by and smashed the plants almost to bits. Can one really be this unaware?? Anyway, it therefore needed to be cut back and cleaned up and these are the pieces I was able to salvage. It is a tough plant, but like most succulents, brittle. They thrive on neglect and dry soils so they should do well out on Bosworth there, but they need to get themselves established enough to make it through a very, very, dry time. Check out this link for more info and where you can see this plant growing in Golden Gate Park: click here It get those delicate wistful hot pink flowers and it grows up and down Guerrero Street too. Yup, you've seen it.

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