Here is the 'tree' aloe from Noel installed. I wanted to replace the Agave americana to the left that is very thirsty, but with good thoughtful encouragement from Kevin, we decided to place Noel's aloe alongside the agave for moral support. Maybe I won't feel so bad for the neighbor directly across the street who came out to thank me for the work so long ago. I want her section to look nice!
We planted a flat of Aptenia I had rooted, and a one gallon Bulbine, and 2 Senecio mandraliscae. Oh, and a truck load of the Aloe maculata, don't forget!
The water saga continues... with the brown out all over SF, and the promise from the DPW landscape architects redoing the medians at Diamond and Bosworth that will include a drip system all the way up to Elk, I am hesitant... This is to happen in September.
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