Well actually a pile of lava rock came in. To me, the same as gold however.
This will make the now barren median look like it is under development as it is. These lava rocks make me think of the Big Island, so fresh from the center of the earth, now easy to maneuver and not get incinerated by doing so.
What seemed like lots got swallowed up.
Before and after below.

Speaking of that, I counted, measured, remeasured, recounted a few times and planned a plant layout and the number of plants to go into each 15' section of the 480' (yes feet, nit inches) of median that has been cleared.
The plan is sound, but as I found out, on site, things go as they will. The plan is now a guideline. I will still use it, but not stick to it. Each tray on the truck bed holds what I planned to go in one 15' section: 1 barrel cactus, 6 ice plants and 3 other plants.
It was a good experience to layout a plan of sorts. I almost feel like a professional!
Oh, what really was great is two people stopped to say Hello and Thanks. One lives near Lippard and Bosworth and is excited, 'can't wait' were her words exactly, for the plantings to get down to her intersection.
Plan or no plan, the plants going in are really fantastic. Here are some close ups and overviews to see the progress.
looking West looking East
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