Some of the most interesting plants are featured here. The Agave patonii variegata (pictured below on the right) was such a cool surprise to come my way. As far as I can tell, it is not the most common plant available. Sadie is tired of always getting stuck in the garden when she goes to do any work- so the project benefits.
So it goes without saying, that I am not so knowledgeable about cacti names, but perhaps this influx of plants will teach me some. The only thing that makes me feel better about this naming thing, is that Sadie and Jerry didn't have all the names either.
In my own garden, cacti do not do well. It is too cool and too wet, the deadly combination as any dry gardener will tell you. Out here, I don't think this is going to be an issue. This ground is so dry I worry about getting these plants started and maintained until the winter rains can take over. Critical for the ice plant (delosperma) so I will be hauling my buckets and buckets oo water out there...
The plants look really small in the pictures here, so they are not dramatic in anyway- well, the traffic is close as I work out there, so that is dramatic. But I am sort of worried that the medians will not look really cool to the general public as they do to me and other dry garden nuts.
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