Sunday, March 1, 2015


Today with Channing's help, the agave that the generous and lovely Andy and Mark donated and a few other plants I have been meaning to get out to the median, all got planted. The help of one other person is sometimes just the right thing... Channing is of course a power house and a motivator, so it all got done. Here is the Agave Andy and Mark donated from their yard a block up from me. It does not appear to be the run of the mill Agave americana though, so I will need to see if they know the name or can lead me to hints of some sort. Until then it is the A&M agave.
The Sparaxis bulbs have done well this year. Some are a bit past their prime, or maybe it is the unseasonable heat of the day today. But the colors and patterns are always a treat to see. hunk any drivers see them- actually, I hope not as they should have their eyes on the road. But these are up by the stop light, so let's imagine they get a little show while waiting, ok?
These bulbs are really cool. They look so exotic every time I see them. But this year seems particularly good. I really don't recall them looking so floriferous and colorful. Perhaps it is just taking time for them to get going, but I am so happy they are there! I think I may go in a snag some of this deep red or maroon ones for my yard, but where can I put them really... I am out of room!

And that brings me to the rest of the plants wee added today.

The other plants added are some Agave parryi ( directly below) a few aloes (second one down), and an Agave tequilana from my yard (last picture seen). I guess I have become a plant snob as my space is limited and I was thinking it is too common looking. But it is not. It really is a nice plant. 

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