Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Last Section

It has come true. This is the final section to be planted. Thanks again to the Clean & Green Crew and to Julia for making this happen. Joey, Jerry, Amy and Will from DPW all had a hand in this as well. Bravo!

Here is the final section that I got to plant today. These plants have all been waiting patiently to go in. This large Ferocactus has been waiting, and with the most patience, as I put Sadie and Jerry off for a while to collect it as the final donation from their amazing generosity on this project.  I strategically placed it at the intersection of Bosworth and Lippard, in hopes that they drive by and can see this beauty every time they go to get on 280 or the likes. The silver tarp, used on the space shuttle (just kidding) was used to move such a specimen. This way you do not get shredded and only the tarp gets it.

Here it is installed in the picture to the right.

As you can see, it is an impressive plant. Behind it you can see an agave and the other cacti spaced between ice plant and rocks. The other plants installed followed the layout established back on May 19th (see here).

I have lots of aloes to add and even more small clumping or mounding agaves, like Agave 'Rosa Gorda'. I'll do another posting to show the plants specifically ID'd.

The task now is to get and keep all these plants watered enough to get them through until it rains in the fall and winter. Here this can be another 6 or 8 or 9 months. I won't go on about global warming...

This is not an easy task as I thought it would be so cavalierly back some several months ago. I am working with DPW to get the water infrastructure up and running or at least access to water on site. As it is now, I bucket water from my house. This requires 48 gallons per section -really- and there are 5 sections. It is not the cost (yet) but the time and energy it takes to get the plants watered.

This cactus is one I actually
had a name tag for but lost it.
So, I am  sorry to all of you
Botanists and Horticulturalists.
But to me naming cacti is like
finding a needle in a hay stack.

Agaves are another story,
but still I have trouble
naming some.

This is the last bunch of agave mostly that I installed as well. What you see in the fore ground on the truck are some Gasteria acinacifolia and Gasteria x aloe on top of the pile on the left side of the truck. 

That last one, Gasteria x aloe, is what the tag said on it as I collected it from a garden up north. Looking at it closely you can really see see forms of each plant present in this one- cool.

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