In order of arrival as best I can recall: Sally, Kevin, Karen, John, Heather and Kym. What lovely people.
These people were so generous and I hope had a good feeling by the time they left. Yes, I want them to return, as there is much to do, but I want them to enjoy and be acknowledged for making such a big difference! Thanks so very Sincerely your work is appreciated by so many people besides myself. The difference is absolutely appreciable and just in time for the GlenPark Festival!! Stop by the Glen Park Neighborhood Association booth and say Hi if you are there between 1-3, as I will be recruiting more lovely volunteers.
No pictures of all of you, but in this first one we see a happy and extremely diligent John. As he put it, you can't see where to plant anything new because the weeds are covering what is there already!

Pictured here are the power team, K&K, Karen and Kevin. Kevin remains undercover by his stylish straw hat.
Heather and Kym made huge dents and destruction (of weeds) in the end closer to Diamond while the others and myself worked up hill toward Elk.
Not there yet, we will have to schedule another day sooner than a month I feel. At least the lampranthus (seen in then foreground of the right hand bottom pic, or bush ice plant (seen in the foreground of the right hand bottom pic is extremely bright right now in these Spring days. By the way, I know the pictures are kinda dark, but it was an odd and lovely weather day out there.
Look how hard these wonderful dedicated gardeners are working!

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